We understand better than ever the importance of protecting this beautiful place we call home, so we need to ensure we respect the natural environment, minimize our footprint, give back as much as we take, and preserve the character and culture of this incredible mountain town for generations to come.
Navigate the following portals to learn more about the Skwxwú7mesh environment and how to preserve and protect it for future generations.
Adequate planning and preparation helps locals and visitors alike accomplish adventure goals safely and enjoyably, while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land.
Study the learning resources above.
Note: Living with Wildlife and Zero Waste
have dedicated module pages.
Complete the assessment below to pass this module.
Upon completion of this module you will receive a signed print from a local artist, program certification and be eligible to win our program prize contest*
In 2019, the District of Squamish declared a Climate Emergency and set out to create a Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP).
The CCAP outlines Six Big Moves, actions and strategies that we can all do to keep climate change at bay and continue to enjoy what we love about living in Squamish: Clean air and water, good health, and a thriving natural environment.
Champion Local Action and get involved here.