Squamish Champions – Zero Waste

love squamish, hate waste

Squamish Champions - Module #4 Highlight - Zero Waste

Take action to prioritize a sustainable environment and resilient community.

B.C. is proud to be a leader in sustainable environmental management. Effective waste management procedures and solutions contribute a great deal to preserving our environment.


Zero Waste - Business (ICI) Contest

Step 1: Take an Audit

Use this very simple tool to track your waste, calculate your diversion and do a waste audit.

Step 2: Study

Study the Industrial, Commercial, Institutional resources on the District of Squamish page.
Contact the Sustainability Co-Ordinator for support.

Step 3: Champion your diversion

- Submit your diversion percentage to Squamish Chamber for recognition
- We challenge you to increase your diversion!
- Re audit in Fall season. Contest Winners announced*

Working towards zero waste

The District of Squamish aims to decrease the diversion of waste from landfill to 80%, and reduce per capita landfill waste to 300 kg by 2021. Before you decide to go to the landfill, please consider the environmental, financial and health benefits of recycling or composting what you can. A large percentage of waste that is sent to landfills can often be recycled or re-used.

Food Waste Prevention

Prevention Toolkits and Resources for Reducing Food Waste

ICI: Waste Diversion

Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Waste Diversion resources

Lets talk trash

Recycling and composting in commercial businesses and institutions.

Local Business Champions: Under One Roof

Local business Under One Roof are taking both individual and community-wide action to limit climate change. Be inspired by their story and begin creating change today, take action where YOU can.

Squamish Champions

We’ve put together this page to further promote and inspire a sustainable community. Through the knowledge gained on this page you will be able to complete our Environment and Ecology assessment.

 [#4 Environment and Ecology] 

To pass this module you must complete the ecology and environment assessment.

We have the power to collectively reduce our waste footprint by maximizing our waste diversion efforts. Familiarizing ourselves with how each waste stream is processed helps us to better understand the steps required for success.

Reducing waste. Raising awareness. Building a stronger community.

When you support Squamish ReBuild by donating, shopping, volunteering and spreading the word – you help build a stronger community!

The Re-build it team are dedicated to:

  • Reducing waste through the diversion of reusable construction material from the landfill
  • Creating opportunities for upcycling and the innovative reuse of waste materials
  • Raising awareness around the social, economic, and environmental benefits of the three R’s

Love This Place, Reduce Your Waste

Squamish CAN strives to educate, support and empower the community of Squamish by developing, promoting and implementing sustainable strategies to mitigate climate change.  If you’re seeking personalised feedback to accelerate your business towards a Zero Waste model, contact [email protected]

Are you a food waster? Take this quiz.


Do You Want To Keep Learning - More Resources

*Contest Terms and Conditions:
By entering the Contest, participants consent to the Sponsor’s collection, use, and disclosure of the personal information provided in the Contest registration for the administration of the Contest, including posting of the winner’s name and city of residence on the Sponsor website. The Sponsor will use the entrant’s personal information only for identified purposes, and protect the entrant’s personal information in a manner that is consistent with the Squamish Chamber of Commerce Privacy Policy.

