Squamish Vital Signs 2017

Brought to you by the Squamish Community Foundation, the 2017 Squamish Vital Signs report brings you a community check-up, focusing on 11 key quality of life indicators. The report highlights Squamish’s successes as well as areas in need of improvement.  

The Squamish Chamber of Commerce was pleased to assist with the 2017 Vital Signs report.

Read the full report here.

Some key findings:

  • Squamish is growing at a rapid pace, bringing opportunities and growing demands
  • The sense of belonging to the community and satisfaction with life is strong
  • Employment growth remains strong, with new businesses flocking to the community
  • Local residents are well-educated and have diverse skills
  • Housing affordability and the availability of rental suites is a growing concern
  • The community is performing well on most health indicators, but more can be done
  • Residents are supportive of cultural events and attendance is increasing
  • Squamish is becoming more expensive; a theme in the report

What else should you know? Check out the report for all the indicators.


About Vital Signs

Vital Signs is an annual community check-up conducted by community foundations across Canada that measures the vitality of our cities, identifies significant trends, and assigns grades in at least ten areas critical to quality of life.

Each city’s report card data is a compilation of numerous research sources, much of it local, that help communities make connections between issues and trends in different areas. The findings are presented in a reader friendly format to make them as accessible as possible.

About Squamish Community Foundation

The Squamish Community Foundation is dedicated to strengthening community through innovative leadership, creative philanthropy and effective charitable endowments with the ultimate goal of evoking positive change and enriching quality of life in Squamish.
