When you choose to buy from a local business you are helping to support our community, create jobs and enhance prosperity by circulating dollars between businesses and residents.
In these challenging times we must follow government directives to ensure the safety of our community.
There are still many ways to support local businesses, while observing the need for social distancing. Right now, our businesses need a champion.
Research shows that for every $100 spent with a BC local business, $63 is re-circulated back into our BC economy (vs $14 for multi nations).
Local businesses:
Download images – 4.6x more impact or 10% shift
Purchasing from a local shop, whether in person, online or over the phone, is a great way to support Squamish businesses. Here are some ideas on how to shop locally:
Times are tough and if shopping for anything except the essentials isn’t in the budget, here are some other ways you can help support local businesses in Squamish:
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