Covid Chronicles – Happimess

What is the name of your business?


Tell us about your business pre-COVID-19.

We are a family owned business with a vision for kids, we started the business based on personal experience with our own kids! We know and have personally experienced the benefits of sensory play and art in our lives and wanted to share an experience that is usually exclusive to paid therapy with everyone. We adapted our model in year two to welcome adults on their art adventures as well.

Tell us about the impact COVID-19 had on your business.

We have been forced to cancel all our kids and adults classes and workshops. We had to shut our doors to all drop-ins. We have shifted to an online model and art kit delivery to your house.

Do you think your business will make it through this? How long can you hold on for?

If the landlord applies for CECRA [Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance] and we are only required to come up with 25% of rent we will be able to survive for the three months

What was the hardest part of temporarily closing your business? OR, if you managed to remain open, what has been the hardest part so far, for your business?

Finding supplies to shift our business model has proven very difficult. Battling with the landlord has also been very mentally straining and people demanding refunds very stressful.

How has COVID-19 affected you personally?

Between receiving a government cheque (never had to do that) homeschooling the kids, negotiating with the landlord, totally overhauling our business model…to say we are stressed is an understatement.

How has your business innovated or pivoted to during this time?

We are offering doorstep delivery of art kits with online video tutorials. Private paint sessions with social distancing support and pinatas for all the at home birthdays that are happening.

Do you have any tips that you can share that could help other Squamish businesses with the focus of keeping their staff and customers safe while delivering their products or services?

Focus on the good and make sure you know you are not in this stress alone. We are all going through the same experience at the same time and while the details may be different if we all stand together the outcome will be better

How can the community of Squamish support you and your business as we move through this unprecedented time?

Be patient, don’t demand refunds if you want to have the same businesses and services in your life after all this is over.

About The Squamish Chamber of Commerce

The Squamish Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in the Squamish community by actively supporting business, economic growth and diversification. The Chamber takes a leadership role in advocating for the interest of Squamish business and provides member services such as networking and educational events, policy positions and partnerships with other organizations.

Media Contact

Louise Walker
Executive Director
T: 604.815.4991
E: [email protected]
