Except you’re not going anywhere, you’re working from home, or office or home-closet-office or wherever you can get some peace and quiet right?
If you’re finding that you’re more exhausted at the end of your workday than you used to be, you’re not alone. Why do we find video calls and technology so draining? There are a few reasons.
In part, it’s because they force us to focus more intently on conversations in order to absorb information as well as finding polite new ways to ask our WFH companions not to disturb us, whether children, loved ones or the cat that just wont get off the over-heating keyboard.
“Zoom fatigue” stems from how we process information over video. The only way to show we’re paying attention is to look at the camera, without the visual breaks we need to refocus, our brains grow fatigued. So, how can we do what we need to and ease some of the Zoom-based burnout?
Rope Runner Aerial Park is a great experience to step away from that comfort zone and trade in screen time for scream time!
Set Zoom limits where you can. If you’re hosting the work meeting, keep the meetings only as long as they need to be. Set a clear meeting agenda and stick to it.
If you can, stand up and stretch—frequently—to help protect your back and other muscles from becoming stiff and painful.
If you’re teaching, coaching, or otherwise leading online, make sure to make sessions as interactive as possible—it’s exhausting trying to do 100% of the work of keeping the energy up. And it’s less engaging if you’re doing all the talking.
Take breaks. This is essential to staying sane. Any meeting longer than about 45 minutes entitles you to get up and go to the bathroom (even if just to stretch your body). Encourage your children to take breaks as well.
Give yourself permission to say no to non-urgent and non-essential meetings or virtual get-togethers. After a full week (weekends included) of work and school Zooming, sometimes we just can’t bear to Zoom any more, including with friends or family. Remaining flexible and having self-compassion are essential to getting through this. Make that video connection brief, change it to a phone call or text, or just be honest that you need a break and bow out.
Buy blue-light blocking glasses from a local optometrist such as optomeyes. Blue light from computers and other devices is really bad for your eyes.
If you’re fidgety or struggling with paying attention (guilty!), keep a squeeze ball or similar by your desk to give yourself a physical outlet for that extra energy.
Get outside! This is the most underrated but one of the most important things you can do right now. Your brain and body need a break from artificial light; you’ll also make some much-needed vitamin D from sunlight.
Move your body. It’s essential for good mental and physical health. Take a walk. Clear your mind. Breathe. Need a bit of guidance?
Breathe Squamish in downtown have recently increased class capacity and offer regular offers on their social channels, so now is the best time to try a day, week or monthly pass.
Remember that no one is perfect—and you don’t need to be either. And you deserve to be compassionate with yourself. We’re all doing the best we can right now. And that’s more than good enough.
It’s tough to opt out of technology when doing so leaves us less connected to what’s going on in the world, moreso during a pandemic whereby digital interaction is preferred for ‘safety’.
Are your struggling? Take your time, take breaks, keep reminding yourself of where you’re working towards. Do not compare your life-ing or ‘work-life’ to that or another, nor place ridiculous expectations on yourself about how you’re doing.
Psssst! We cant wait to get off zoom either and re-activate in-person events. See you in Fall for our member appreciation party!
The Squamish Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in the Squamish community by actively supporting business, economic growth and diversification. The Chamber takes a leadership role in advocating for the interest of Squamish business and provides member services such as networking and educational events, policy positions and partnerships with other organizations.