We are pleased to share some resources to support local businesses.
To access any of these services, please email admin@squamishchamber.com.
Local businesses enhance our community, connect and support us socially, and enhance wealth and employment by circulating dollars many times between businesses.
Research shows that for every $100 spent with a local business, $46 is re-circulated back into our BC economy (vs $18 for multi nationals).
The Squamish Chamber is proud to support BC Buy Local, an initiative to support locally owned businesses and locally made / grown products.
You can support this program in four easy steps:
2. Place the postcards at your POS. Put up the posters. Help educate people on the benefits of shopping local.
3. Place the big pink sticker on your door or window to let customers know you are a local business. We even have small stickers for your products.
4. Take photos of your business and tag #BCBuyLocal. You will now receive exposure on social media and on www.bcbuylocal
Use this poster to let consumers know how you’re local and what local businesses you support. When local businesses purchase from other locally owned businesses their impact on the economy is increased even more.
1. Print the poster or pick up one from the Squamish Chamber at the Adventure Centre
2. Identify how you purchase from local owned businesses, and buy local made and local grown products.
3. Write them on the poster.
4. Display the poster in your business to let your customers and employees know how you’re local.
5. Use the tag #BCbuylocal to share how you’re local
What are the impacts of buying local? For every $100 spent with a local owned, BC-based business $46 is recirculated back into B.C.’s economy. These statistics and more are drawn from research done in British Columbia. Read the supporting research reports.
You can pick up a copy of this poster at the Adventure Centre. Place in your business to show customers and employees the positive impacts that buying from local owned, BC-based businesses generates.
Volunteering a great way to engage with the community and support businesses, organizations and events.
Follow our facebook volunteer group to see and share volunteer opportunities.
Or join the Volunteer Connector
We are developing a volunteer database. If you would like to be involved, please contact admin@squamishchamber.com or complete the form below.